Wimbish World Language Academy

Campus News

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14 hours ago

Our 3rd-grade teaching team deserves recognition for their commitment to teaching language and culture, showcased through their decorations. Wimbish WLA is set to launch Hispanic History Month on Monday, September 16th, featuring a mariachi band from 7:40 to 8:10 AM.

Nuestro equipo docente de 3er grado merece un reconocimiento por su compromiso con la ense帽anza de la lengua y la cultura, demostrado a trav茅s de sus decoraciones. Wimbish WLA lanzar谩 el Mes de la Historia Hispana el lunes 16 de septiembre, con una banda de mariachi de 7:40 a 8:10 a.m.

Notre 茅quipe p茅dagogique de 3猫me ann茅e m茅rite d'锚tre reconnue pour son engagement dans l'enseignement des langues et de la culture, d茅montr茅 脿 travers ses d茅corations. Wimbish WLA lancera le Mois de l'histoire hispanique le lundi 16 septembre, avec un groupe de mariachis de 7h40 脿 8h10
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Our 3rd-grade teaching team deserves recognition for their commitment to teaching language and culture, showcased through their decorations. Wimbish WLA is set to launch Hispanic History Month on Monday, September 16th, featuring a mariachi band from 7:40 to 8:10 AM. #WeAreWWLA 

Nuestro equipo docente de 3er grado merece un reconocimiento por su compromiso con la ense帽anza de la lengua y la cultura, demostrado a trav茅s de sus decoraciones. Wimbish WLA lanzar谩 el Mes de la Historia Hispana el lunes 16 de septiembre, con una banda de mariachi de 7:40 a 8:10 a.m. #NosotrosSomosWWLA 

Notre 茅quipe p茅dagogique de 3猫me ann茅e m茅rite d锚tre reconnue pour son engagement dans lenseignement des langues et de la culture, d茅montr茅 脿 travers ses d茅corations. Wimbish WLA lancera le Mois de lhistoire hispanique le lundi 16 septembre, avec un groupe de mariachis de 7h40 脿 8h10  #noussommeswwla 
1 day ago

Our mission create an environment built on trust compassion and respect to support and impact 21st century learners their families and communities through critical thinking, creativity, linguistic diversity and cultural responsiveness

Nuestra misi贸n es crear un entorno basado en la confianza, compasi贸n y el respeto para apoyar e impactar a los estudiantes del siglo XXI, sus familias y comunidad a trav茅s del pensamiento cr铆tico, la creatividad, la diversidad ling眉铆stica y la capacidad de respuesta cultural.
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2 days ago

Wimbish WLA wolfs have an amazing time at the PBIS reward event always Ready, Respectful and Responsible!

Los lobos Wimbish WLA se lo pasan genial en el evento de recompensa de PBIS 隆siempre Listos, Respetuosos y Responsables!
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Wimbish WLA wolfs have an amazing time at the PBIS reward event always Ready, Respectful and Responsible! #HowlingWolf #WeAreWWLA 

Los lobos Wimbish WLA se lo pasan genial en el evento de recompensa de PBIS 隆siempre Listos, Respetuosos y Responsables! #LoboAullando  #NosotrosSomosWWLAImage attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment
2 days ago

Join the Texas Health Community Hope Thirsty Thursday Challenge at school, at work, and at home. Drink only water on Thursdays in September.

脷nase al Desaf铆o del Jueves Sediento de Esperanza de Texas Health Community en la escuela, el trabajo y el hogar. Beba s贸lo agua los jueves de septiembre.
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Join the Texas Health Community Hope Thirsty Thursday Challenge at school, at work, and at home. Drink only water on Thursdays in September. 

脷nase al Desaf铆o del Jueves Sediento de Esperanza de Texas Health Community en la escuela, el trabajo y el hogar. Beba s贸lo agua los jueves de septiembre.
2 days ago


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VIERNES - D脥A DE CAMISETA DE WWLAImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment
2 days ago

WWLA parents, please verify this information for Monday, September 16, to assist us in providing a secure event for students, parents, and staff. We appreciate it! 馃挌馃┑

Padres de WWLA, verifiquen esta informaci贸n para el lunes 16 de septiembre para ayudarnos a brindar un evento seguro para los estudiantes, padres y personal. 隆Lo apreciamos! 馃挌馃┑
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2 days ago

Thank you to the parents who joined us for Meet the Librarian today. If you missed it, you can watch the digital presentation and email ashaw@aisd.net with any questions. We love Miss Shaw馃挋馃惡馃┑

Gracias a los padres que nos acompa帽aron hoy en Meet the Librarian. Si se lo perdi贸, puede ver la presentaci贸n digital y enviar un correo electr贸nico a ashaw@aisd.net si tiene alguna pregunta. Amamos a la se帽orita Shaw馃挋馃惡 馃┑

Merci aux parents qui nous ont rejoint pour Meet the Librarian aujourd'hui. Si vous l'avez manqu茅, vous pouvez regarder la pr茅sentation num茅rique et envoyer un e-mail 脿 ashaw@aisd.net pour toute question. Nous aimons Miss Shaw馃挋馃惡 馃┑
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Thank you to the parents who joined us for Meet the Librarian today. If you missed it, you can watch the digital presentation and email ashaw@aisd.net with any questions. We love Miss Shaw馃挋馃惡馃┑

Gracias a los padres que nos acompa帽aron hoy en Meet the Librarian. Si se lo perdi贸, puede ver la presentaci贸n digital y enviar un correo electr贸nico a ashaw@aisd.net si tiene alguna pregunta. Amamos a la se帽orita Shaw馃挋馃惡 馃┑

Merci aux parents qui nous ont rejoint pour Meet the Librarian aujourdhui. Si vous lavez manqu茅, vous pouvez regarder la pr茅sentation num茅rique et envoyer un e-mail 脿 ashaw@aisd.net pour toute question. Nous aimons Miss Shaw馃挋馃惡 馃┑Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
2 days ago

We're ridiculously lucky to have Mrs. Summer rocking our community engagement, thanks a million for the support to Wimbish WLA's and our kickoff of Hispanic Heritage Month on September 16 a total blast!

Somos rid铆culamente afortunados de tener a la Sra. Summer impulsando nuestro compromiso comunitario, un mill贸n de gracias por el apoyo a Wimbish WLA y nuestro inicio del Mes de la Herencia Hispana el 16 de septiembre, 隆una maravilla!

Nous sommes ridiculement chanceux d'avoir Mme Summer qui nous soutient avec un bel engagement communautaire, merci un million pour le soutien de Wimbish WLA et notre d茅but du Mois du patrimoine hispanique le 16 septembre, merveilleux !
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Were ridiculously lucky to have Mrs. Summer rocking our community engagement, thanks a million for the support to Wimbish WLAs and our kickoff of Hispanic Heritage Month on September 16 a total blast! #WeAreWWLA 

Somos rid铆culamente afortunados de tener a la Sra. Summer impulsando nuestro compromiso comunitario, un mill贸n de gracias por el apoyo a Wimbish WLA y nuestro inicio del Mes de la Herencia Hispana el 16 de septiembre, 隆una maravilla! #NosotrosSomosWWLA  North Davis Church

Nous sommes ridiculement chanceux davoir Mme Summer qui nous soutient avec un bel engagement communautaire, merci un million pour le soutien de Wimbish WLA et notre d茅but du Mois du patrimoine hispanique le 16 septembre, merveilleux ! #NousSommesWWLA
2 days ago

From the Arlington PD on Sept. 13, 2024: We understand that many in our community are concerned, and rightfully so, about posts circulating on social media making threats against Arlington schools.

We want to assure parents that we take EVERY threat that gets reported very seriously, we thoroughly investigate each one, and we鈥檒l always take decisive and appropriate action to ensure the safety of our school campuses.

We will use every resource available to us to try to identify who is creating threatening posts. And as we鈥檝e stated before, we will not hesitate to arrest and file criminal charges against those individuals, regardless of whether the threat is real or fake.

We mean it!!!

On Thursday, administrators at Arlington High School notified our School Resource Officers about a potential threat that had been posted to social media, which we believe was inspired by other threatening posts that have been widely shared this week. Investigators determined the post was created by 18-year-old Kevin Martinez-Molina, who is not a student at AHS. Officers located him Thursday evening and questioned him about the post. He told officers he created it as a prank. Mr. Martinez-Molina was then arrested and booked into the Arlington City Jail on one count of Terroristic Threat, which is a felony.

And it鈥檚 not just online threats we will act upon. Thursday, we also arrested a Gunn Junior High student who made a verbal threat against the school that was reported by multiple people who were extremely concerned by what they heard. The student was charged with Terroristic Threat and transported to the Tarrant County Juvenile Detention Center. Because the student is a juvenile, we are unable to release their name.

The Arlington Police Department will not tolerate any behavior that disrupts students鈥 ability to learn or places them in fear.

We continue to encourage parents to have frank and honest conversations with their kids about the consequences of making threats. It鈥檚 NEVER a joke and we will never treat it as one.

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From the Arlington PD on Sept. 13, 2024: We understand that many in our community are concerned, and rightfully so, about posts circulating on social media making threats against Arlington schools.

We want to assure parents that we take EVERY threat that gets reported very seriously, we thoroughly investigate each one, and we鈥檒l always take decisive and appropriate action to ensure the safety of our school campuses.

We will use every resource available to us to try to identify who is creating threatening posts. And as we鈥檝e stated before, we will not hesitate to arrest and file criminal charges against those individuals, regardless of whether the threat is real or fake.

We mean it!!!

On Thursday, administrators at Arlington High School notified our School Resource Officers about a potential threat that had been posted to social media, which we believe was inspired by other threatening posts that have been widely shared this week. Investigators determined the post was created by 18-year-old Kevin Martinez-Molina, who is not a student at AHS. Officers located him Thursday evening and questioned him about the post. He told officers he created it as a prank. Mr. Martinez-Molina was then arrested and booked into the Arlington City Jail on one count of Terroristic Threat, which is a felony.

And it鈥檚 not just online threats we will act upon. Thursday, we also arrested a Gunn Junior High student who made a verbal threat against the school that was reported by multiple people who were extremely concerned by what they heard. The student was charged with Terroristic Threat and transported to the Tarrant County Juvenile Detention Center. Because the student is a juvenile, we are unable to release their name.

The Arlington Police Department will not tolerate any behavior that disrupts students鈥 ability to learn or places them in fear.

We continue to encourage parents to have frank and honest conversations with their kids about the consequences of making threats. It鈥檚 NEVER a joke and we will never treat it as one.


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