Construction underway at Gunn Junior High; Key and Short elementaries

Future STEM labs at Short Elementary

Feb. 16, 2018 - Bond-funded construction is officially underway at Gunn Junior High and Key and Short elementaries.

At Gunn, the projects are all related to deficiency and life-cycle improvements and upgrades. The first project to get started includes improvements to Gunn's stage - adding a ramp and installing a new curtain. Upcoming projects include improvements to the parking lot and improvements to the mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems.聽The technology infrastructure will also be greatly enhanced with new fiber throughout the building, and the fire alarm system will be replaced.

At Key and Short, the work includes adding two new STEM labs, an acoustically-appropriate strings room and a front-entrance security vestibule. Other projects include a聽number of other life-cycle and deficiency upgrades throughout the schools, including improvements to ADA accessibility and improvements to the mechanical, plumbing, electrical, technology, and fire and life safety systems. The K-pods will also get some major renovations, with new heating and AC, flooring and roof.

For more information, visit each campus' bond page:
Gunn Junior High
Key Elementary
Short Elementary