Citizen Bond Oversight Committee meets to review bond progress

CBOC members receiving a tour of the Agricultural Center

Jan. 24, 2017 -聽The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee met last night for its quarterly review of the status and progress of the 2014 Bond program. Led by 极速六合彩 Chief Financial Officer Cindy Powell, 极速六合彩 staff gave updates on the various areas of the bond: fine arts; safety, security and technology; transportation; and facilities. Powell and 极速六合彩 Assistant Superintendent of Administration Michael Hill also presented the schematic design for the future聽Athletics Complex (see the schematic design presentation).

View the meeting materials.

The meeting was held at the brand new, bond-funded Agricultural Science Center. CBOC members received a tour of the facility, led by agricultural sciences teacher Kyle Durr. There was a lot for the committee to see. In addition to the facility itself, members saw goats and heifers, including students washing their heifers and giving haircuts to their goats. Outside, several students were practicing their roping skills.


CBOC members tour the Ag Center and look at the goats.