Bond-funded construction underway at Seguin High School

Demolition underway in preparation for construction of the new addition

Sept. 29, 2017 -聽Construction of an addition at Seguin High School is officially underway. The addition, along with life-cycle and deficiency upgrades within the existing building, are part of the 2014 Bond program.

The 26,000 square-foot, two-story addition will be located adjacent to the front of the existing building on the southwestern end and match the existing architecture. The first floor will accommodate special education and include two classrooms, a motor lab, a mock apartment and other spaces. The second floor will include standard classrooms, a conference room, two assistant principal offices and a collaborative learning area. Construction will take most of the year, but the addition should be ready to open for the 2018-2019 school year.

The renovations planned for inside the building will start next summer and include improvements in the fine arts, career/tech, special education and athletics areas. Highlights include expanding the food lab, expanding the digital photography lab, creating a student study area, upgrading the wrestling room and moving the weight room into a renovated space under the gym bleachers. The existing weight room will then be converted into a dance studio, with a new dance floor, a sound reinforcement system, acoustical treatment and more space to facilitate an improved dance environment. A number of other life-cycle and deficiency upgrades will also be done next summer, including improvements to the roof, site and ADA accessibility, along with improvements for the mechanical, technology infrastructure and fire alarm systems.