Citizen Bond Oversight Committee meets to review bond progress

CBOC members tour Miller Elementary

Aug. 31, 2017 -聽The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee met last night for its quarterly review of the status and progress of the 2014 Bond program. Led by 极速六合彩 Chief Financial Officer Cindy Powell, 极速六合彩 staff gave updates on the various areas of the bond: fine arts; safety, security and technology; transportation; and facilities.

The meeting was held at Miller Elementary, the site of many bond-funded improvements. Miller Principal Shelly Osten gave the committee a tour of some of the bond-funded, renovated spaces at Miller, including the front-entrance-security vestibule, STEM labs, strings room, music room and K-pod. Miller also received a new parking lot and driveway, new roof and significant mechanical renovations.

This was the final meeting for several members of the CBOC, as their terms of service are ending. Applications for new members are currently being accepted.

The committee is comprised of a maximum of 11 members appointed by the Board to serve two-year staggered terms. Terms may be extended for additional one or two year terms upon approval by the Board.

Click to view the Board鈥檚 charge to the Committee.

Applications for CBOC membership must be received online by 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1, 2017. The Board is expected to approve new committee members during the board meeting scheduled for Sept. 21, 2017.

Please contact Chief Financial Officer Cindy Powell at 682-867-7243 or with any questions you have regarding the CBOC.
