Construction underway at Boles Junior High

Construction underway on Boles addition

Feb. 7, 2016 - Construction is now underway at Boles Junior High on a new addition that will house a computer lab, an art room with support spaces, and three CTHEI classrooms. Piers are currently being drilled and poured, and forms and grade beam work will begin soon. The first slab pour is scheduled for next week and structural steel should start in a couple weeks.

Once the addition is complete, a special education suite will be built within the existing building. The suite will include four special education classrooms, a mock apartment (ADL Room), motor lab, ISPD classroom, PAES/Prevoc room, ABLE room and conference room. Three restroom banks will also be renovated to comply with ADA.

Boles also already received a new paint job in January. The metal trim around the building, which had been a reddish-orange, is now a dark beige.

Construction at Boles is being managed by Pogue, following plans designed by Stantec.
