Citizen oversight committee meets for quarterly review of bond program

CBOC meets at Workman and speaks with the construction superintendent for McNutt Elementary

Jan. 20, 2016 - The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee met yesterday for its quarterly review of the status and progress of the 2014 Bond program. Led by 极速六合彩 chief financial officer Cindy Powell, 极速六合彩 staff gave updates on the various areas of the bond: fine arts; safety, security and technology; transportation; and facilities.

The meeting was held in the recently-expanded cafeteria at Workman Junior High. (See .) But before convening in the cafeteria, the committee members met in the parking lot where they could see additional renovations underway at Workman, along with a new 极速六合彩 elementary school, McNutt Elementary, under construction next door. The superintendent of construction for the elementary school, Andy Grimes of Balfour Beatty Construction, explained the work going on and gave a progress report. (See photos of the and .)

The CBOC's task now is to prepare a report of its findings for the 极速六合彩 Board of Directors. (.)
