Ferguson Junior High holds final faculty lunch

Former Ferguson principals pose for a photo together

June 8, 2015 – After school let out on Friday for the last time at Ferguson Junior High, the faculty gathered for their final lunch. They were joined by three of Ferguson’s four former principals, David Tapia, who opened the school in 2001, Dr. Melissa Haubrich and Dr. Ben Bholan.

Current Principal Lora Thurston thanked the teachers for all they had done to not only ensure an excellent school year, but also pack up and prepare to move the school. Ferguson Junior High is consolidating with Ousley Junior High next school year, part of districtwide changes and improvements associated with the 2014 Bond package. “We are in excellent shape,” said Thurston, referring to the momentous task of moving to the Ousley campus. ()

Closing Ferguson has been an emotional undertaking for the faculty who love and take great pride in their school and its students. Cam Hill, a social studies teacher, lightened the mood at the lunch while expressing those emotions when he sang a song he wrote to the tune of Adam Sandler’s Chanukah Song. The song included lines like, “It’s time to celebrate Ferguson,” and “We all really really love Ferguson,” along with a list of Titans, “just like you and me.”

The first Titan, David Tapia, Ferguson’s first principal, and the other former principals took turns sharing memories and heaping praise on the incredible teachers they had. “Ferguson was high performing when I got here,” Haubrich said, “but it was never good enough for you guys.” She went on to describe the teachers as a family, happy and go-getters who rose to meet any challenge.

Tapia then recognized one teacher, Audrey Iverson, who was with him in 2001 when they started Ferguson. Iverson is now retiring and Tapia and Thurston presented her with a Titans quilt.

The rest of the teachers will now move on, most to Ousley Junior High. They leave behind a powerful legacy, but will take with them 14 years of tremendous achievements. As Thurston told them at the conclusion, “You’re going to be a blessing to a new school.”